6. Broccoli
If there is one vegetable made for diabetes, it’s probably broccoli. It contains a special compound that naturally fights off diabetes and controls blood sugar levels. It even protects against heart disease.
7. Kale

So, broccoli may be the diabetic vegetable, but kale is seriously the healthiest vegetable in the world. Not to mention extremely low-carb. The veggie reduces the risk of Type-2 diabetes and levels the sugars of those with Type-1.
8. Avocados

Avocados have the ability to level your blood sugar by keeping it from spiking after meals! Who doesn’t need that? If that isn’t enough, however, they also fight off heart disease for a cardiac health.
9. Greek Yogurt

You might not think that a dairy product like yogurt is good for diabetes. But Greek yogurt is a secret super food. It has been suggested that yogurt reduces the risk of Type-2 Diabetes. Plus, plain Greek yogurt is low in carbs too!
10. Tea

Tea is a little know power-food (or beverage) chock full of antioxidants. Most doctors suggest drinking tea on a daily basis, green or black, as long as it is strictly tea with no added sugars.
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