Black patches on neck (acanthosis nigricans)

High levels of insulin in the blood make skin cells to reproduce rapidly. It shows up as dark patches on your neck, armpits, inside the elbows, and behind the knees.
Fruity breath

When your body is not capable of making insulin, the cells in your body don’t receive the fuel they need in the form of glucose. As a consequence, your body begins to burn fat and produces ketones, which build up in your blood and urine. When ketones reach an unsafe level, you are at risk of developing a serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis or (DKA). One of the signs you are presenting DKA is that your breath produces a sweet and fruity odor. If you present this symptom, you should seek medical attention immediately.
Rapid Breathing

If you have diabetes and you’re experiencing rapid and difficult breathing, along with other symptoms like fruity breath, nausea vomiting, and stomach pain, then you are in the presence of diabetic ketoacidosis and should seek medical attention fast! Diabetic acidosis is a life-threating condition that requires hospitalization and treatment with fluids and insulin.
High Blood Pressure

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to high blood pressure and add another set of health risks like kidney disease, circulation problems, eye disease, heart disease and stroke.

When you eat, your body converts the food into glucose with the help of insulin. The glucose is then is used by your cells to obtain energy. If your body is not making enough insulin or if you are insulin resistant, the glucose won’t be able to get into the cells to produce energy. As a consequence, you will feel more tired than usual.
Mood Swings

Have you ever experienced unexplainable mood swing? If you answered “Yes,” you should talk to your doctor and test for diabetes. Your brain is the center of your thoughts and emotions; it’s the motor that will provide you with everything you need. But like the motor of your car, it needs fuel to do its job. For the brain its fuel is glucose. If it gets too little or too much glucose, it can go haywire
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