Shah Rukh Khan has attended Kolkata Knight Riders' opening Indian Premier League game against Royal Challengers Bangalore with daughter Suhana and son AbRam at Eden Gardens. Shah Rukh Khan was spotted in the stands with Suhana and while AbRam was also with them. Sitting at the Club House of Eden's Shah Rukh was seen cheering for his team. Over the years, King Khan has been a constant source of support for his side. (Source: BCCI/IPL)
Shah Rukh Khan is the co-owner of Kolkata Knight Riders and has been visiting their matches on a regular basis. His daughter Suhana was also present on Sunday. KKR were up against RCB on Sunday. (Source: BCCI/IPL)
Shah Rukh Khan attended Kolkata's opening encounter against Bangalore. Kolkata are two-time IPL champions. (Source: BCCI/IPL)
Shah Rukh Khan's team has a new captain this year. Dinesh Karthik will lead KKR in IPL 2018. (Source: BCCI/IPL)
Kolkata Knight Riders' first match in the Indian Premier League (IPL) against Virat Kohli-led Royal Challengers Bangalore(RCB). (Source: BCCI/IPL)
Virat Kohli had a medicore outing on Sunday scoring 31 runs in 33 balls. (Source: BCCI/IPL)
Mandeep Singh provided a much-needed impetus towards the end of RCB's innings to propell the score to 176 in 20 overs. (Source: BCCI/IPL)
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